Thursday 7 February 2013

Week by Week Preparation for The Elbaman Ironman & the 100km del Passatore

New Format to Week by Week Update

May so far...

I have started running with my new friend Paolo, an ex Seria A and National Rugby Player for Italy and some of his running buddies. All I can say is I am having to suck up a lot of pain but I know it is making me stronger!

We have focused our last three runs together on hill running through trails, hills and more hills. From running at about 9-10km/h I am pushing to keep up with them at about 12-15km/h!

21 days left until the 100km run!

Marathon distance planned for tomorrow. I am now reducing my running distances until race day!

Summary of April Training

April was an amazing month! I managed to squeeze in my first ever marathon distance just over 42kms, the week after I ran a 30km+ hill run and the week after that my longest ever run 59.6kms where I ran to the peak of a mountain (Passo della Consuma) and back in about 7hours 40mins!

I have still continued my regular swimming and cross-fit training.

Summary of March Training

So far so good. I have gotten over my achilles injury, started Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) training and continuing to make great improvements with my swimming. I went for a gentle 12km (approx) run this weekend in the rain and felt great.

* Two days following the rain run I picked up a friendly cold which developed into bronchitis! Following a bit of rest and a course of antibiotics I recovered, but noticed my heart rate was pretty high. Amazing what one and a half weeks on a couch can do to you ;)

* I managed to get a bit of gentle training in and get back into my routine.

* One week later I picked up a sinus infection! Its ok, I got some meds and Im doing better!

Summary of February Training

The month of February was great. I have made lots of progress with my swimming technique and general cardiovascular fitness. Although I pulled my achilles heal in the 3rd week of March, I have been careful to heal myself as soon as possible.

Ideally, all training should have started about a year ago, but I am still very positive and on the right track to make a personal best for overal fitness and my longest ever run.

Week 5

The longest run I have ever done was this weekend: 26.5km! It took 2hours and 37minutes. I ran at a very steady pace taking short strides to try and avoid injury. The day after my run, muscles in my legs feel fine ;) 

I only swam just over 1km today specifically working on technique for my legs. 

Week 4

I had the week off from one job but was still working my other job so was only able to get away for a day and a half to Switzerland where I snuck in a 14.5km run in the mountains as well as a 19km run back in Florence! Very fun! I'd have to say that the surrounding beauty masked the toughness of running up a mountain like a goat.

My trainer has got me work on a couple new technique programs as my legs have the tendency of falling to the bottom of the pool like a ton of bricks ;). That is why I'm getting lessons (it feels great to learn a new sport!)

After my 19km run I went for a relatively relaxed 26km bike ride. Low distance, but it was my first combination of a bike ride and run. 

Week 3

Distance: I cycled from Bagno a Ripoli towards Passo della Consuma with my friend. He was on a touring bike so I had to keep the pace moderate. However when we started to climb the mountain (my first time ever on a road-bike), I found with only two gears in the front, it is pretty tough to climb unless you have your legs moving at over 60rpm (using the Garmin Cadence measurer). Most definitely, my legs will get bigger due to the gearing on the road bike!

I ran 10.4kms on an athletics track at a steady pace.

Week 2

Training is well on its way. Progress is already visible (*statistically, mentally and physically).

* with my new Garmin watch I am able to track, download, monitor and set parameters throughout this endeavor.

Finished paying for my bike (second hand (French road bike: Look 386i) this week and picked it up from an amazing bike shop (ProBike Firenze) I have been going to since I was 15!

Cycled 26 kms on Sunday in 50 minutes. Aiming to increase that next weekend

Since my knee has just healed I took it easy and ran about 4kms to see how I felt. All good. Going for a run tomorrow morning very early am with a regular marathon runner! Wish me luck ;)

Started a new training program to keep working on technique. I added an extra 30 laps after my technique session finished.

Swim #2:

So far this week I have done one run just over 10kms. Hopefully this friday their should be an early morning run around 15kms. Lets see how it goes ;)

Week 1

After swimming a few laps on my own, a swim instructor recommended I get lessons to avoid injury. I think he meant avoid me from swimming into other swimmers.

The baby's in the next lane were crying so it gave me some inspiration and a friendly reminder to man up and deal with the water that kept choking up my lungs!

Picking my bike up at the end of this week!

Will start next week after my swollen knee has healed!

Stay tuned for the next set of updates!
Get involved with Masuku Tree of Life on the road to Elbaman Ironman and the 100km del Passatore run. For more information how you can help out with either/or volunteering at either of the events we are taking part in (100km del Passatore run May 25th-26th or the Elbaman Ironman September 29th), volunteer in Malawi or make a donation, get in touch with me at or send any questions to!contact

May 24th 19:00-22:00 (7pm-10pm): SuperFun-Fundraising Dinner and Party

May 25th 15:00 (3pm) 100km del Passatore run starts: Nick Yiannakis, Costa Yiannakis and Leo Taylor

September 29th Elbaman Ironman takes place: Nick Yiannakis, Costa Yiannakis, Leo Taylor and his Dad!

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